Welcome to my website!

At the moment it is just a holding page for my creative alter ego Mookyzook but soon it will have links to my novels on Amazon, my music on Last FM and Soundcloud an maybe some videos on YouTube or Vimeo. YouTube already has a couple of videos of the old band I was in the nineties 'Splitpigs' but I'm hoping to have some better quality ones up when I have the time to do it. At the moment I am focusing on my novels but it will also feature photos from my motorcycle tours around Europe, such as the one above from Split in Croatia and this one to below from the Alps.

It's going to have a blog/News 'Man on the Move', an idea from my original site created back in the dark days of dial up. This will be a news feed where I tell you what is going on in my life and about the new content, just in case you might be interested😉? If you are please feel welcome to interact with what I put up.Thanks for checking this page out and please come back in a few weeks when I hope to have more content.

Mark Mook